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Writer's pictureSherry Blevins

Choral Composer Tip #1

If and when you submit a piece to a publisher for consideration, here's what you need to know:

1. None of them expect your scores to be perfect, but they should be professional looking and as free of errors as possible.

2. Since you will send a PDF of the score, it doesn't matter whether you use Finale, Sibelius, Dorico, etc.

3. They will also want an mp3, but it can be generated by the software and doesn't have to be of a choir performing. In fact, you're better off with a software-generated mp3 if your recording of the choir isn't good to great.

4. Don't include anything they don't ask for. Some will just ask for the above. Others will have you complete some basic information about the piece.

5. Find a publisher you like that publishes music similar in style to what you like to write and then google search "Submissions + (publisher's name)". Follow their directions to submit then...

6. Wait.

7. Wait...

8. Wait....

9. Wait some more.....

10. If you don't hear back within a year, it's possible your submission fell between some cracks. At that point, it's OK to reach out and ask if they received your submission. If you still can't get a reply (which sometimes happens), they're either disorganized or not interested. Sooo.....

11. In order to move on, you'll need to officially retract your submission in order to submit to another publisher. (There is a rule among those in the choral publishing industry that you only submit your work to one publisher at a time for their consideration.)

12. The good news is that the more you're published, the less time you'll have to wait for an answer.

Best wishes on your submissions!!!

(Publishers & editors, if I missed anything, let me know.)

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